Hayes Otoupalik P.O. Box 8423 Missoula, MT 59807 Phone: 1-406-549-4817 For Latest Items, Please Check the New Additions Section. |
Sale Terms & Methods of Payment I have been in business for 51 years. I work very hard to see that you get a fair deal. I only expect the same in return. The customer must pay shipping. I offer a three-day inspection period. If you do not like an item for any reason, your money will be refunded in full less shipping cost. I will spend the time necessary to make sure you understand your purchase and its authenticity. Methods of Payment: We accept money orders, checks or credit cards (Visa / MC / Discover / American Express / PayPal) You may send us your address information, card details via multiple emails, or by a phone call into us here at the office (1-406-549-4817).
Layaway Sales: 25% down payment and payoff of remaining balance within 60 days of order. There will be no refunds, exchanges or returns on layaway sales as is the standard in the trade. Delinquent accounts forfeit payments made and future layaway privileges. Shipping Charges: Please allow sufficient funds for US Postal or UPS shipping charges and insurance. If you require a special method of shipping, such as FedEx or DHL, I will be happy to work with you. International Orders: I have many years of experience in overseas trade and shipping. Rest assured that I can handle any international request. To contact us here at the office, our US telephone number is: 1-406-549-4817 Firearms: All firearms are sold strictly as collectors items. As such, the responsibility of shooting safety rest solely with the buyer as is the standard in the trade. I encourage buyers to have their firearms inspected by a competent gunsmith before attempting to shoot them. Modern firearms can only be shipped to FFL or C&R license holders. If you wish to purchase a modern firearm and do not hold one of these licenses, please contact your nearest FFL licensed dealer for his assistance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Hayes Otoupalik Militaria P.O. Box 8423 Missoula, MT 59807 Phone: 1-406-549-4817 Buy ~ Sell ~Trade ~ hayesotoupalik@aol.com Mail Order Catalog *American Military Catalog No. 72* Our current catalog lists over 1000 American Military items from 1860 to Vietnam. Arms, uniforms, insignia, equipment, Cavalry materiel, Confederate, Civil War, Indian Wars, Spanish American War, WW1, WW2 and Vietnam. Please remit $5.00 for our Mail Order Catalog. Hayes Otoupalik P.O. Box 8423 Missoula, MT 59807 60th Annual Original Missoula Gun SHOW Friday, July 31 - Saturday & Sunday August 1-2, 2015 600 TABLES The Adams Center, University of Montana, Missoula, MT Friday 10 - 7 | Saturday 9 - 7 | Sunday 9 - 3 Early Bird Dealer set up only, July 30th ----- 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM only 8 ft. Tables - $65 each | Visa and MasterCard Accepted. For table reservations call: (406) 549 - 4817 Hayes & Lia Otoupalik Box 17002 | Missoula, MT 59808 BUY - SELL - TRADE - FREE APPRAISAL *Antique and Modern Rifles, Pistols, Guns, Accoutrements, Knives, Ammunition* *Civil War, Cowboy, Indian and Western Artifacts, Western Paintings* *Historical Military Items, Uniforms, Insignia, Swords, Etc.* *Indian Beadwork, Montana Artifacts, Antique Fishing Items, Duck Decoys* *Cowboy Items, Law badges, etc., etc., etc.!!!!! Quality Items Only! No Flea Market Crafts, Jerky, Food, etc., allowed. This is THE SHOW you have been waiting for! The largest selection and the best prices! Bring your guns, knives and antiques to sell or trade. Make your plans NOW, tell your friends! Sponsored by the Weapons Collectors Society of Montana MONTANA'S OLDEST, BIGGEST, BEST SHOW ESTABLISHED 1955
Wanted to Buy We are always seeking to purchase US Militaria from 1845 to 1965 period, single pieces or entire collections. We can use a wide range of items and are always interested in buying US Military Surplus lots from WW1, WW2, and Vietnam, or what have you.... We are always seeking machineguns, cannons and allied and enemy material... We have been in business for 49 years. You can feel confident that your dealings with us will be handled fairly, accurately, speedily and confidentially. We are easy to deal and, of course, on all items we purchase we will pay all the shipping charges. Hayes Otoupalik Militaria P.O. Box 8423 Missoula, MT 59807 Phone: 1-406-549-4817 Buy ~ Sell ~Trade ~ hayesotoupalik@aol.com Hayes Otoupalik is a Professional member of the following Organizations
Links of Interest www.agmohio.com ~Bill Coombs' website, a dealer in a fine assortment of militaria from various periods. With an excellent reference section of his, The Spanish Colonial Uniform Research Project. www.antiquecenter-getty.com ~Hayes Otoupalik's mall location in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
www.mvpa.org ~The
world's premier military vehicle collectors club and of which Hayes
Otoupalik is an associate member/dealer. http://www.adolphusconfederateuniforms.com/ ~ Frederick R. Adolphus' website offers historical information about Confederate uniforms, as well as his new book, “Imported Confederate Uniforms of Peter Tait & Co., Limerick, Ireland”. www.ww1history.com ~World War 1 Preservation Collection ~ Founded by David L. O'Neal. This website is dedicated to the Collection, Identification and Preservation of the Weapons and Artifacts of the "Great War...to End All Wars" www.fallscreekcollectibles.com ~Mark McCaffrey's website, specializing in a fine and varied selection of quality Military Collectibles of the 20th Century. www.dicksalzer.com ~Dick Salzer's website, Staff Editor for Gun Report... where he writes the Accoutrements Corner column & is the founder of Arms Heritage Magazine. His website is an excellent source for rare and unusual accoutrements.